Things That Make You Go Hmm…

Introduction: This lab is to help you visualize sounds and understand how to represent sounds using a sine wave.

Materials: Data Studio with Waveport software installed


Part I.

  1. Open Data Studio, if prompted select "create experiment"
  2. Click on Setup --> choose Interface --> WavePort --> click OK (Note: this may not be necesssary if "sound analyzer comes up automatically)
  3. Make sure the front Sound analyzer window is activated
  4. Click the "Start" button.
  5. Make sound using tuning fork. Hold it next to the microphone located at the hole in hte upper right-hand corner of the computer screen. When the sine waves are smoothe colick the "Stop" button. Make sure not to move the tuning fork until AFTER pushing stop.
  6. Click yellow button in top corner of the Sound Analyer window. You will see a black sine wave line appear (this is for the anlyzing potion of this experiment)
  7. Scale both the x and the y axis. You wnt to see two hand symbols appear on the black sine wave line. This can be done by holding the mouse button down over the scale of the axis and watching for a double arrow to appear, then drag.
  8. Drag the hand symbols until the black analyzer line matches the red line produced by the tuning fork. the time indcated on the upper graph is the period (T) in seconds for the tuning fork while the lower graph indicates its frequency (f). Place these values in the data table below.
  9. Calculate % error for f based on the tuning fork you used.
  10. Print a graph of the tuning fork match.
  11. Repeat for two more tuning forks. However, DO NOT print a graph for these two tuning forks. (Leave window alone and new wave will appear in the same window.
  12. Click Start leaving the analyzer tool showing. Try to whistle or hum to match the frequency from the last fork you used. Print this graph.
  13. Part II

  14. Activate sound creator window located behind the Sound Analyzing window.
  15. Attach earphones to the computer.
  16. Click on the speaker in the Sound Creator window.
  17. Drag the hands in the window to change period and amplitude. When you finish click on the speaker to stop the sound.
  18. Describe changes observed based on changing amplitude, frequency, and period.
  20. Go back to "setup" button --> choose interface --> choose PasPort --> click OK